⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ If you are looking for places to visit in Molina de Segura the beautiful municipality of 64065 inhabitants, we recommend < strong>Local history museum La Albarda Ritos Center? Traditions of Campo de Molina, a beautiful place of tourist interest.
La Albarda Rites Center? Traditions of Campo de Molina (Molina de Segura)
Data on La Albarda Center Rites? Traditions of Campo de Molina
Schedules Local History Museum – La Albarda Ritos Center ? Traditions of the Campo de Molina – Molina de Segura
Data from the Molina de Segura City Council
Address: Parque Parque De La Compañía, S/N Telephone: 968388500 Website: molinadesegura.es
More information about La Albarda Rites Center? Traditions of Campo de Molina at: https://goo.gl/maps/YAh2grDzjotmyEu98
Local history museum – La Albarda Center Rites and Traditions of Campo de Molina – Molina de Segura
The Local History Museum in Centro La Albarda Rites and Traditions of Campo de Molina is located in Molina de Segura, a town located in the region of Murcia, Spain. The museum is dedicated to preserving and disseminating the history, rituals and traditions of the Molina countryside, offering visitors a comprehensive view of the culture and daily life in the region over time. The museum has a wide collection of objects, tools, artifacts and documents that show the evolution of rural life in the area, from ancient times to the present. Among the most notable objects are old agricultural tools, traditional kitchen utensils, typical clothing, musical instruments, photographs and historical documents. In addition, the museum offers temporary exhibitions on topics related to local history, agriculture, traditional crafts, popular celebrations and other cultural and traditional aspects of Campo de Molina. Visitors have the opportunity to learn about the customs and traditions that have marked the life of rural communities in the region, including religious celebrations, popular festivities, agricultural practices, local crafts, traditional gastronomy and many other aspects of life in the countryside. . The museum also organizes educational activities, workshops, talks and cultural events to promote knowledge and appreciation of local history and traditions. In addition, it has a team of local history experts who offer guided tours and provide detailed information about the different aspects of culture and rural life in Campo de Molina. In summary, the Local History Museum in Centro La Albarda Ritos y Tradiciones del Campo de Molina is a place that offers an enriching and complete experience for those interested in knowing and understanding the history, rituals and traditions of this charming region of Spain .
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